A quick favor – How did you hear about us?

Quick post: We are receiving very heavy traffic this morning, mostly from people typing in our URL directly.   This usually happens when we are featured in a newspaper article or radio show, but we aren’t aware of any new ones. If you have a moment, can you please let us know how you heard about our site?  Thanks!

Update: Thank you all for your helpful comments!     Looks like we were mentioned this morning on the nationally syndicated consumer advocate program The Clark Howard Show.

CH listeners: If this is your first time on our site, welcome!     If you are interested in learning about free digital broadcast tv, start here.    Or visit our Showfinder tool to see what shows you can watch without cable TV.  And if you have canceled cable or are about to, please consider sharing your story.

164 thoughts on “A quick favor – How did you hear about us?

  1. Clark Howard teaser ad is airing on various stations that carry his afternoon show. He mentions cancelcable.com specifically.

  2. Howdee, Excellent site! Keep up the great work. I too am a gadget aficionado. I heard about your site through a report by none other than “The Consumer Warrior” himself Clark Howard. Thanks, Clark. You ROCK!

  3. I heard about your site on the Clark Howard radio program here in Dayton OH on WHIO 97.5 FM. Clark is the consumer advocate for getting everything cheaper and his recommendations have been very benefit saving for me over the years. Ken Perkins

  4. I heard about your site on the Clark Howard radio program here in Dayton OH on WHIO 97.5 FM. Clark is the consumer advocate for getting everything cheaper and his recommendations have saved me a lot of money over the years. Ken Perkins

  5. Clark Howard Radio show told about your site! THANK GOODNESS! I have been watching internet cable for nearly a year and it was iffy at best. I hope yours is better than HULU.COM…Thanks!

  6. I heard about the site from Clark Howard ‘The Consumer Warrior’ radio show based in Atlanta and broadcast on an Orlando, Fl. radio station.

  7. I heard about the site on the Clark Howard Show. My local radio station played a highlight from the prior day’s show talking about the site, and I had to check it out.

  8. This morning, a local radio station in Orlando, WDBO, ran a segment from the Clark Howard show in which he mentioned your website and recommended listeners to check it out if they were interested in getting rid of cable or satellite TV service.

  9. I heard about this site this morning listening to Clark Howard’s very short time slot on KLBJ in Austin, TX. It was on Clark Howard’s 5:12 AM time slot.

  10. I heard about this site on talk radio 720 am in Las Vegas. I thought I would check it out since I was seriously thinking about canceling my cable. $100 on cable a month just doesn’t seem worth it to me.

  11. I heard about this site on a local radio station this morning. Right now I don’t have cable, just rabbit ears on my sets, but with this new digital requirement coming up in Feb. I’m fighting on subscribing to cable. Can I watch the shows on the computer?

  12. 580 a.m. WDBO Orlando, Fla. from Clark Howard.
    I see quite a few other people heard it from him too. WOW Nice. 😉

  13. You wanted to know where I heard about your site? You probaly didn’t ask then to promote you but 710 AM KIRO / 97.3 FM gave a raving review about your site. So, here I am to check it out.

  14. I heard you this morning on Seattle’s news radio show 97.3 FM. I think you were on the Dave Ross show. Anyway, it was on this morning.

  15. If I remember correctly, I think it was on MSN home page. I’m also a fan of Clark Howard’s show so it could have been from there too!! Either way I just want to say Thank You very much!!!

  16. i cancel my cable 2 years ago when i bought my 32″ hdtv. saving thousands … I bought a 42″ hdtv. the picture is great…..

    as the economy is bad, more will kick cable to the curb.

  17. msn.com has an article on there home page about how to get free tv, or how to save money. saving money brought me here. thanks doug

  18. You are the best!!! I knew something was wrong when we (consumers) could get charged for something that is free: HDTV. I heard about you from MSNBC, the red tape chronicles. I’m sending this to everyone!!!
    Thanks again!

  19. my techie roommate forwarded me your URL. i used to have “bunny ears” before he moved in and now the house is a technological wonderland of appleTV, xBox, and cable (but not for long)!

  20. A coworker sent me a link to your site.

    Several of us already bought Ooma’s to replace our phone subscriptions. This is the next step.

  21. From amazon .com i got my coupons and was looking for a box

    i called my cable company to downgrade my service until i get all my ducks in a row with the box, and this silly girl told me that i could not downgrade until i had paid a past due amount, that won’t happen until next week and of course the bill will continue to go up. hello downgrade not up. i guess they want to keep billing me because they know their bill raping days are so over. thank you for this site i have sent it to everyone i know.

  22. Bob Sullivan from MSNBC was being interviewed by Terry Gross on her radio show Fresh Air on National Public Radio. In hr interview, Bob mentioned your site specifically in being money wise for 2010 and, of course, Cable TV was mentioned as a real money hog (my words-not his) and then Bob gave out your site over the air as a great resource. Glad he did…and you are a great resource…thanks!!!

  23. I heard about you today on NPR’s “Fresh Air” interview with Terry Gross, talking with Bob Sullivan, and his book “Stop Getting Ripped Off”.
    Thank You!

  24. I heard about your site on OPB with Bob Gross telling how to save money on many different parts of our lives. This sounded like a great idea. So, here I am and definitely glad to find this site.

  25. NPR, think it was the interview on Fresh Air about a book called stop getting ripped off or something like that. We’ve been doing these things your site recommends for about a year or 2 now and couldn’t be happier.

  26. I was listening to a repeat of NPR Mary Gross 7 PM CST & a guy,journalist, had written a book about how to save money on all kinds of things including buying a new car. One of the last thungs he mentioned was this webb sight. So I am checking it out.

  27. I just heard about you this evening on Fresh Air, a program on National Public Radio. Looks like a lot of useful information…. keep up the good work!

  28. from NPR – interview with the author of “Stop Getting Ripped Off: Why Consumers Get Screwed, and How You Can Always Get a Fair Deal”

  29. Bob Sullivan (msnbc.com) mentioned this site in an interview with Terry Gross on NPR on 1/4/10. He was promoting his new book , “Stop getting ripped off”.

  30. Bob Sullivan, author of “Stop Getting Ripped Off,” mentioned your site when he was interviewed by Terry Gross on Fresh Air on WHYY-FM in Philadelphia. I heard the broadcast on Jan. 4.

  31. I just watched ABC’s Good Morning America’s feature on how to cut your monthly bills, including utilities, cell phones, and cable. Your website singled out as a great way to slash one’s cable bill. It is definitely food for thought and I have been seriously thinking about purchasing a Roku box for months now. This just gives me extra incentive.
    Thank you!

  32. I was just looking for a TV website to buy service and I got on google searching for tv service. Wala, “The Red Tape Chronicles – msnbc.com ” got my attention and started reading and here I am. I’ll try it tonight when I get home from work.

  33. I heard about you on NPR’s show “Fresh Air” – an interview with Bob Sullivan, discussing his book “Stop Getting Ripped-Off”.

  34. googled “cable tv use” hoping to find figures on how many people are giving up cable and found this site.

    can’t wait to tell my cable provider where they can put their bill . . .

  35. Saw an article in Southwest Airlines Spirit magazine (February 2011 issue – What’s the Deal?) It mentioned this website as an answer to someone who was lamenting about how high their cable had gotten.

  36. I Googled “local television broadcast without cable” after reading about the Roku XD box at Instapundit.com. I am trying to convince my wife to cut the cable, but I need to show her how redundant it is – and how expensive!!…Iam almost there!!!

  37. on the Southwest airplane reading the plane (Spirit) magazine. I am not finding some of my favorite programs but will continue to research your site cuz I am fed up with my high cable cost!

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